
Level Language Skills at Various Levels
A1 One can understand and use everyday speech and very basic phrases. One can introduce him her/self and others. Can ask and answer questions about personal details when asked.
A2 One Can understand sentences and can fluently use expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance ,Can communicate in simple and routine situations about most familiar things. One Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background.
B1 One Can understand the key points of the standard input on familiar matters regularly faced in work, school, leisure, etc. One Can deal with most situations likely to be faced while traveling in an area where the language is spoken. Can speak simple connected text on topic which are familiar or of personal interest or choice.
B2 One can understand the key ideas of tough text on both sides of concrete and abstract topics, including discussions and debates in his/her field of interest and mastery,one Can interact with a high degree of fluency and great spontaneity that makes direct and regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without any difficulty for either party.
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